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Genoma España

Applied Genomics and Biotechnology Innovation


Genoma España

Genoma España was created in 2002 to improve the worldwide competitiveness of Spanish research on applied genomics.

Moreover, just like many other countries, Spain needed an organisation to promote biotechnology both locally and internationally as well as link research groups and centres, biotech companies, venture capital investors and society together. Similarly, at that time, there was a need to help change the Spanish economic model for one in which technology transferral contributes decisively to technology development activities, which, in turn, become innovation applied not only to traditional production systems but to emerging technologies as well.

Since then, Genoma España has ensued the "leading supporter and promoter of biotechnology innovation" in Spain.

Genoma España is a governmental foundation whose leading trustee is the ministry for science and innovation. The ministries for health and social affairs (cofounder), environment and rural & marine environments, industry, tourism and trade as well as the regional governments of Navarre and Andalusia also support the activities of Genoma España.

Biotechnology policies for innovation

Genoma España mainly drives the transference to business of intellectual assets, technology and innovation, and entrepreneurship, particularly in biotechnology; specifically by:

  • Creating programmes and active policies for innovation
  • Contributing to the internationalisation of technology sectors aligned with the strategic areas of the Spanish R&D plan with special relevance to biotechnology
  • Enhancing knowledge and technology transfer processes to business from public universities, research and technology centres
  • Encouraging public-private cooperation and partnerships to ensure compliance with the above objectives

Financing patentability studies and patent application

Genoma España makes technology and innovation transfer happen by moving from R&D results to managing, maximising and redirecting their use for business. In doing so, Genoma España is involved in:

  • Monitoring and disseminating Spanish R&D results
    – Carrying out biotech outlook reports
    – Elaborating technology foresight and watch reports
  • Promoting Spanish R&D results worldwide
    – Carrying out international benchmarking
    – Supporting participation of research teams and companies in international consortia of significant technology relevance
  • Protecting Spanish R&D results
    – Financing patentability studies
    – Financing better patent applications by professional IP lawyers
    – Seeking international patent protection
  • Creating and adding value to Spanish (bio)technology-based firms (b-TBF)
    – Adding value to biotechnology patents/projects for Spanish researchers
    – Training bioentrepreneurs
    – Assessing academic spin-offs for seed-capital investments
  • Nurturing b-TBF businesses
    – Training b-TBF managers
    – Financing b-TBF participation in international events
    – Providing b-TBF access to international networks
  • Propelling innovation
    – Developing the Spanish technology portfolio
    – Attracting foreign investments in Spanish biotechnology
    – Co-funding demand-driven innovation projects and financing business acceleration

Genoma España
Calle Pedro Teixeira, 8
Segunda Planta
28020 Madrid

Tel: +34 914 491 250
Fax: +34 915 715 489

Quick Contact Genoma España

InnoCash Programme

InnoCash is a reverse-transfer programme resulting from purchasing results offered in a virtual storefront. The InnoCash portal is used to develop and market innovative products and/or services, encouraging public-private cooperation in technology projects of real business value.

The InnoCash project, which circumscribes thematic areas of the 2007-2011 Spanish R&D Plan, is ground-breaking and has strong commercial potentiality. Therefore, it includes: Solid scientific background Clearly identified market needs Precise product details to be obtained Differential and competitive advantages to current trends InnoCash supports the transfer process in two critical steps: Value creation from…

Technology Portfolio

Genoma España's technology portfolio is an upshot of making technology and innovation transfer happen in Spain.

qGenomics BioGlane LeadArtis EntreChem Algenex Laboratorios Cifga PROALT (Proteins Alternatives) qGenomics qGenomics (quantitative genomics medicine laboratories) develops new solutions for genetic research and diagnostic in the healthcare field. Researchers from leading Spanish research centres such as the Pompeu Fabra University and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (both in Barcelona) are engaged in this project. The…
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