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Genoma España

Applied Genomics and Biotechnology Innovation

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InnoCash Programme

Genoma España

InnoCash is a reverse-transfer programme resulting from purchasing results offered in a virtual storefront. The InnoCash portal is used to develop and market innovative products and/or services, encouraging public-private cooperation in technology projects of real business value.

The InnoCash project, which circumscribes thematic areas of the 2007-2011 Spanish R&D Plan, is ground-breaking and has strong commercial potentiality. Therefore, it includes:

  • Solid scientific background
  • Clearly identified market needs
  • Precise product details to be obtained
  • Differential and competitive advantages to current trends

InnoCash supports the transfer process in two critical steps:

  • Value creation from scientific results into technologies ready for development
  • Technology maturing through financing project development that result in product commercialisation
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