Gyros AB is the world leader in utilization of microfluidic technologies to miniaturize and automate immunoassays. The Gyroslab â„¢xP immunoassay platform increases productivity and efficiency during development of biotherapeutics and vaccines, saving time and labor. Major biopharmaceutical companies and their service providers utilize the Gyros platform to boost time-critical workflows and meet increasing regulatory demands.
Spanning the entire spectrum of immunoassays, the platform cuts the time to result significantly. Faster development times, and unattended running of assays at nano-liter scale, save labor and sample. The ease of assay transfer between sites and from development to regulated environments is unsurpassed in the industry. The company is based in Uppsala, Sweden and has regional sales and support offices in the USA and Europe, and a growing network of distributors.
Gyrolabâ„¢ xP workstation miniaturizes, integrates and automates analysis of large numbers of samples in parallel – minimizing user error, massively increasing productivity, cutting time to validated assay and final result, and freeing up analysts’ time. Same-day results support rapid and effective decision making. Each step in the assay workflow is controlled by software and results are evaluated by Gyrolabâ„¢ software, or exported to a LIMS.
Gyros’ technology is being applied in a range of applications for the development of biotherapeutics:
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Gyros AB
Uppsala Science Park
SE-751 83 Uppsala, Sweden
Visiting address:
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 54B
Telephone: +4618 56 63 00
Fax: +46 (0)18 56 63 50
Email: information@gyros.com