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Vetter Pharma International

Aseptically Prefilled Syringe Systems, Cartridges and Vials

New Vetter Data Processing Center is Officially Certified

The certification signifies that sensitive customer and process data are protected in a best manner possible. Within the certification process, seven IT systems-related areas were screened including security systems, power supply, and the center construction itself. For international pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies looking to partner with a contract development and manufacturing organization, this certification represents an important selection criterion. Vetter completed the new data processing center in January 2016, within the two-year period scheduled for the project. The company opted for an in-house solution in order to secure sovereignty and control of customer and process data.

“Digitalization is one of the megatrends nowadays. We are working on numerous initiatives in this sector such as the increased connectivity between our customers and us as their manufacturing partners”, said Vetter Managing Director Oliver Albrecht. The new in-house data processing center supports these connectivity activities. Within the certification process, the functionality of the new center was extensively verified in two sectors. Part one was organizational aspects such as emergency plans and access authorities, while part two covered technical components. “The certification proves that once again, we are achieving a very high quality and security level in this sensitive area”, added Titus Ottinger, Vetter’s Senior Vice President for Finance, Controlling and IT.

The new center is integrated within a multi-functional building and covers a surface area of approximately 3,800 square feet. Half of the space is dedicated to technical equipment such as servers, while the other half is for media systems such as power supply and climate control technology. The data processing center offers an innovative construction design including a safety cell that protects technology and data from external physical hazards. Cutting-edge IT systems including storage systems, network components and flash storage technologies enable the operations of the data center. In addition, an emergency generator is in place to supply electricity in the event that there is a failure in the public power supply.

A back-up system has also been set up to secure sensitive data which are mirrored in real time, and stored on a daily basis in several locations that operate independently from one another. Furthermore, the new data center is built with environmental considerations in mind that include a special temperature regulation system which cools only the necessary areas, thus improving the building’s energy footprint.

New Vetter data processing center is officially certified pbr

Vetter Pharma International GmbH – POB 23 80 – 88193 Ravensburg – Germany
A view into Vetter’s new data processing center; part of the company’s activities that allow for early preparation of future digitalization developments.
Source: Vetter Pharma International GmbH

About Vetter

Vetter is a global leader in the fill and finish of aseptically prefilled syringe systems, cartridges and vials. Headquartered in Ravensburg, Germany, with production facilities in Germany and the United States, the contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) is an innovative solution provider serving the top 10 (bio-)pharmaceutical companies, as well as small and midsize companies. Its portfolio spans state-of-the-art manufacturing from early clinical development through commercial filling and final packaging of parenteral drugs. Known for quality, the company of approximately 3,900 employees offers a foundation of experience spanning more than 35 years, including dozens of customer product approvals for novel (bio-)pharmaceutical compounds. More than 70% of Vetter’s active projects are biologics, and Vetter currently manufactures five of the world’s top 10. The CDMO is also committed to patient safety and compliance with user friendly solutions such as Vetter-Ject®, as well as its dual-chamber syringe Vetter Lyo-Ject® and cartridge system V-LK®. Vetter’s branch office in Singapore and its subsidiary in Tokyo, Japan, increase the presence of the company and the awareness of its service portfolio in the Asian healthcare market.



Vetter Pharma International GmbH
Oskar Gold
Senior Vice President Key Account Management,
Marketing / Corporate Communications
Eywiesenstrasse 5
88212 Ravensburg
Phone: +49 (0)751-3700-3729