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Heterogeneous Catalysts

Johnson Matthey Fine Chemicals

The use of heterogeneous catalyst for chemical production is growing in importance as chemical industries seek to demonstrate improved sustainability and reduced environmental impact. This drive towards the use of heterogeneous catalysts is based on the inherent process benefits on offer. These include easier product isolation and purification, no undesired catalyst derived contamination of the product, cost benefits from catalyst re-cycling and often improved activity and reaction selectivity over homogeneous catalysts, or even stoichiometric homogeneous reagents.

Heterogeneous catalysts, which are highly suitable for either batch or continuous flow applications, can also be used as convenient tools for high throughput discovery chemistry, reducing and often removing the need for laborious product purifications.

PhosphonicS has developed a range of novel heterogeneous catalysts for a wide range of applications including metal-mediated cross couplings, oxidations and acid promoted reactions in the pharmaceutical, fine chemical and petrochemical industries.

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