Intravacc has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Beijing Zhifei Lvzhu Biopharmaceutical (Zhifei Lvzhu) in China for Avacc 3, an OMV-based whooping cough vaccine.

Image: There are more than 24 million cases of whooping cough every year across the world. Credit: owfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash.
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With over a hundred years of experience, Intravacc is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) of vaccines against infectious diseases.
A vaccine company in China, Zhifei Lvzhu has six vaccines and biological products in the market.
As per the terms of this licensing agreement, Zhifei Lvzhu will get a sole license for the Chinese territory and non-exclusive license for Africa, South America and chosen Asian countries.
Intravacc will get milestone and upfront payments and royalties over net sales.
The two entities will continue to collaborate to customise the Avacc 3 concept vaccine for the respective territories, including upscaling, toxicology and clinical trials.
A homologous Bordetella pertussis candidate vaccine based on Intravacc’s OMV platform, the company’s Avacc 3 induces a strong systemic immune response.
Following its administration intranasally, Avacc 3 induces a strong systemic and a strong mucosal immune response.
Intravacc CEO Dr. Jan Groen said: “We are very pleased to partner with Zhifei helping to improve the prevention of whooping cough in China.
“This is Intravacc’s second OMV-based licensing agreement with a pharmaceutical company, thereby expanding the global reach of our proprietary OMV platform technology.”
There are more than 24 million cases of whooping cough every year across the world.