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Unifine Pentips®

Owen Mumford Pharmaceutical Services

Unifine® Pentips® pen needles are designed to lower penetration force to support patient comfort and reduce the sensation of trauma.

Unifine® Pentips®  are designed to deliver improved comfort during the injection experience by focusing on four areas:

  • Precision sharpened needle tips designed to reduce penetration force.
  • Thin wall technology to improve drug flow, aiding less thumb force and time to deliver the dose, reducing the risk of thumb arthritis¹.
  • Anti-coring treatment at the rear of the needle for clean piercing of the drug cartridge with no fragmentation for effective drug delivery.
  • Advanced silicone lubrication designed for a lower glide force – reducing friction between the needle and patients’ skin, for smoother entry and removal of the needle.

Unifine® Pentips® are compatible with all major diabetes medication pen

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