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Finesse Solutions

Measurement and Control Technologies

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Finesse Solutions

The TruConnect™ gateway is an interface between proprietary ASCII serial devices and the TruLogic™ Controller (DeltaV™ controller with Modbus).

TruConnect gateways currently support Applikon ADI 1010 or 1030 controllers. TruConnect gateways can harmonise an installed base of proprietary controllers into a DeltaV™ control system, either as a monitoring only system, or as a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.


  • Cost-effective gateway for proprietary serial to Modbus protocol conversion
  • Monitoring only or SCADA capability
  • Interface with the installed base of existing 3rdparty peripheral hardware
  • Affordable, scaleable migration path
  • Compatible with TruBio DV and the DeltaV TruLogic Controller
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