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New REAL Space Navigator Breaks Billion Compound Barrier

Enamine Ltd., a leading compound supplier and BioSolveIT GmbH, a premium provider of drug discovery software, today announced the availability of the next generation of REAL Space Navigator, an efficient search tool within the world’s largest purchasable chemical space. Originally launched in February this year, Version 2 of REAL Space Navigator now offers ‘search and find’ access to an incredible 3.8 billion small molecular weight compounds ready for purchase.

Searching databases of commercially available compounds is a standard approach to advance hit compounds. However, the global stock of screening compounds has already been largely explored, making the identification of new and promising lead molecules difficult and the need for fast access to novel compounds increasingly necessary.

REAL Space Navigator efficiently assembles synthetically feasible molecules based on their similarity to the query molecule using BioSolveIT’s unique software technology. This smart approach allows researchers to explore chemical space beyond the capacity of current, conventional search methods.

The next generation of REAL Space Navigator was developed by adding new transformations and building blocks to increase the readily accessible (REAL) compound space and streamlining the software to further speed up access to the giant virtual catalogue delivering results within just a few minutes on a standard PC.

Enamine Head of Strategic Alliances Michael Bossert commented: “The vast size and speed of development of the search space has exceeded our own expectations and is game-changing in terms of access to novel molecules and associated IP value. With almost 4bn compounds to pick from and stunning speed of synthesis within three weeks from order, we have opened the door to a new way of drug discovery with unprecedented cycle times. The immediate uptake by our clients highlights that we are really addressing an as yet unmet need.”

BioSolveIT CEO Dr Christian Lemmen added: “REAL Space Navigator Version 2 not only breaks the nine-digit barrier but now enters spaces that may not even be enumerated, let alone mined, by conventional methods. The user experience is unique. Searches which are 100% secure behind the firewall complete within minutes, tapping into a universe of possibilities to generate novel therapeutics.”

Enamine and BioSolveIT will be presenting the results of their successful collaboration at EFMC-ISMC 2018 conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia – September 2-6, 2018.