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Bruker Launches the INVENIO-S FT-IR Research Spectrometer

The novel INVENIO‑S is an entry-level version of the INVENIO® platform, replacing the TENSOR spectrometer series.

The INVENIO‑S is a peak performance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrometer focused on maximum productivity in routine and advanced laboratory analysis.

Bruker’s latest innovation has aligned the RockSolidTM interferometer with a CenterGlowTM infrared (IR) source, temperature-controlled deuterated-triglycine sulfate (DTGS) and the fail-safe diode laser to ensure system availability, high-performance and low running costs for many years.

The integrated touch panel operation provides intuitive guidance with typical workflows from routine to advanced applications in research and development (R&D).

The INVENIO-S expands the INVENIO® platform, which also includes the INVENIO-R.

Launched in 2018 the INVENIO-R offers various R&D options such as a spectral range from Fourier-transform infrared (FIR) to visible light (VIS) / ultraviolet (UV), rapid and step scan and many more.