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Nutrition Powder UV Sanitation


Sanitizing uniform powders is performed in a continuous flow of the Ni gas under in-depth illumination from three UVC sources to choose from: 273nm LED sources with ca.

Sanitizing uniform powders is performed in a continuous flow of the Ni gas under in-depth illumination from three UVC sources to choose from: 273nm LED sources with ca. 10nm wide spectral band, or with UV flash lamps or with continuously emitting (CW) Mercury vapor low pressure lamps:  Vortex-type UVC system.

Our production system uses the same principle of illuminating powders in the Ni flow, yet the system is flow-through and its design is proprietary. Since powders vary a lot in its properties, evaluation tests are required unless very similar powders have been evaluated already at our place.

This system can be used for modification of powder nutrient properties for UVB-Photo Synthesis like enriching D2 vitamins in mushroom powders. For that LED UVB sources of 305nm are employed.

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