Pharmaceutical Business review

Study shows experimental diabetes drug could enhance Alzheimer’s signs in mice

The data from the study demonstrated that the three-part drug has improved certain aspects of memory and thinking ability, as well as helped in limited brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s.

Based on the results, the researchers are planning to carry out a clinical trial with one these drugs in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Experimental drug called triple receptor agonist was used in the study, which is being developed to treat diabetes. It is not yet approved to treat people with diabetes.

Researchers examined the drug in mice with symptoms of Alzheimer’s through giving daily injections over a period of two months.

The study showed that mice applied with injections escaped from a maze more quickly compared to those without injections.

Researchers assessed the brains of the mice, which showed that those received the drug had decreased levels of Alzheimer’s-related brain changes such as signs of inflammation and the build-up of the Alzheimer’s protein known as amyloid.

Alzheimer’s Research UK chief scientific officer Dr David Reynolds said: “Not only has the discovery of a link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s risk empowered people to take positive action around their brain health, it has also presented a promising avenue for research into better treatments.

 “Alzheimer’s is a complex disease involving many different brain changes and it is important to come at these from as many different angles as possible.

“It is great to see encouraging findings emerging from research, and this study broadens efforts towards a treatment that could tackle damage to the brain in the disease.”