Pharmaceutical Business review

Pinpoint Genomics releases Pinpoint Dx Lung Assay

The assay is a molecular diagnostic assay that differentiates between patients at high, intermediate or low risk of early death after surgery to remove a non-squamous, non-small cell lung cancer in patients with early stage disease.

The Pinpoint Dx Lung assay is run on surgical specimens that undergo routine handling by pathology laboratories, making it immediately available to virtually all patients, and is offered through Pinpoint’s Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment-certified laboratory.

The company also announced the publication of key data relating to its Pinpoint Dx Lung Assay in the journal The Lancet.

The report in The Lancet describes the development of the assay based on specimens from 361 patients as well as the results of the two largest independent, blinded studies to evaluate the clinical validity of a multi-gene molecular diagnostic assay for early stage lung cancer.