Pharmaceutical Business review

Health Management hospitals to deploy McKesson pharmacy automation solutions

Under the agreement, Health Management’s 66 hospitals in 15 states can upgrade to the latest version of McKesson’s AcuDose-Rx medication dispensing system to improve nursing workflow and optimize medication inventory automatically.

In addition, the company’s narcotics tracking software and a secure storage system automates controlled substance management and creates a closed-loop system with the cabinets.

McKesson’s Connect-Rx platform will benefit hospitals by consolidating servers and standardizing formularies and databases across, and the associated analytics solution allows hospitals dashboard-level management to ensure peak enterprise-wide performance.

McKesson’s solutions address factors, such as improving clinical and financial outcomes, better coordinating care through connectivity, and managing increased complexity and risk through payment reform.

McKesson Automation president Kraig McEwen said their integrated suite of solutions help Health Management and other integrated delivery networks consolidate costs and improve performance, enabling better business health across the enterprise.