Pharmaceutical Business review

Grindeks says Meldonium should not be included in prohibited list

The company said meldonium as an active substance is widely available for purchase on the internet by several international firms.

Grindeks noted that there are plenty of sources for obtaining meldonium and therefore, testing positive for meldonium does not obligatory mean that an athlete has used Mildronate, a registered trademark of the company.

Mildronate is used in the clinical practice. During increased physical activity, it restores the oxygen balance of tissue cells and activates the metabolic processes, resulting in lower requirements of oxygen consumption for energy production.

Grindeks said that inclusion of meldonium (Mildronate) in the prohibited list will not change the fact that it is a drug of high quality, safety and efficacy.

It has been available to everyone till now, including athletes, to avoid the negative effects caused by physical and psycho-emotional overload.

Mildronate is mostly prescribed for patients for the treatment of heart and cardiovascular diseases such as stable angina pectoris, chronic heart failure (NYHA I-III functional class), cardiomyopathy, functional cardiovascular disorders.

The company said Meldonium is a cytoprotective substance, which is used to avoid death of ischemic cells, and not to increase performance of normal cells.