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FitnessGenes introduces DNA-based fitness and nutrition platform

According to a recent study done by UCLA, most diet efforts result in very short-term weight loss or even weight gain. Other research has shown that 50-60% of the variation between people’s physical performance is genetic.

FitnessGenes’ top tier team of doctors and genetic scientists have eliminated the guessing game from fitness and nutrition with their DNA Performance Kit and customized digital report that reveals 40 specific genetic traits including metabolic tendencies, dietary sensitivities, fat burning capacity, muscle type and recovery time.

FitnessGenes CEO and co-founder Dr. Reardon said: "After years bringing DNA-based workout programs to the pro-athlete community, we are thrilled to be able to offer this comprehensive online fitness and nutrition platform to consumers all over the world.

"Our online platform will take the guessing game out of the equation and utilize each client’s genetic blueprint to get them in the best shape of their lives."

Once customers receive their genetic results, they can pick from four Genetic Training System (GTS) programs that provide personalized, week-by-week workouts and nutritional recommendations based on their DNA. Muscle-Building and Fat-Loss GTS programs are available for men and women at $1 per day.