Pharmaceutical Business review

Excellere sells MTS Technologies

In May 2012 MTS was sold to Omnicell, a provider of medication,management solutions and analytics software for healthcare systems.

Excellere founder and managing Partner Robert A. Martin said, ”After nearly two years, based on interest from perspective buyers and the current M&A environment, we decided to explore our options in selling MTS, to realize the significant value that was created since it became part of our investment portfolio."

"The acquisition of MTS by Omnicell should enhance MTS’s global reach as well as advance and accelerate the company’s product offerings to continue its global leadership in medication management solutions," Martin added.

MTS CEO Todd Siegel said the partnership with Excellere exemplified what business entrepreneurs are seeking in a financial partner.

”Many private equity firms stated they offer more than financial resources but Excellere proved they actually do provide value beyond just making a capital investment,” Todd added.

Since late 2009 Excellere worked closely with MTS to develop its foundation and organic growth.