Pharmaceutical Business review

European medical center deploys Critical Diagnostics Presage ST2 Assay

The Presage ST2 Assay quantitatively measures the level of ST2 in blood that is believed to be a key predictor of mortality as well as all-cause hospitalization, mortality due to cardiovascular disease, and hospitalization due to cardiovascular disease.

In addition, ST2 is also a prognostic for clinically important outcomes besides all-cause mortality.

Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol Cardiology Service head Antoni Bayes-Genis said they are the first to apply ST2 in day-to-day operation using the marker in the context of routine care for their patients.

"Our data indicates that it refines the prognosis and allows us to separate patients who will evolve poorly with those who are likely to have a good outcome," Bayes-Genis added.