Pharmaceutical Business review

EAG unveils further investments to improve ABC Laboratories’ biopharmaceutical characterization capabilities

The announcement is part of a 2016 multimillion-dollar capital investment in instrumentation, which comes in the wake of ABC’s acquisition by California-based EAG in July of last year.

"The pharmaceutical industry has a critical need for high-quality contract laboratory partners who can perform the complex analyses required to fully characterize a biopharmaceutical," said EAG’s CEO, Siddhartha Kadia, Ph.D.

"Since launching its biopharmaceutical offering in 2008, ABC had built a great reputation for its scientific excellence, but the company needed additional capital to strengthen its analytical toolbox."

"Biotech drug development requires different analytical techniques than traditional ‘small molecule’ pharmaceuticals, and interpreting study results requires deep insight into the mechanisms of biopharmaceutical behavior," said Prasad Raje, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of EAG’s Life Sciences division.

"Our biopharmaceutical scientists have built a reputation for solving complex analytical issues for our clients," he added. "Having more advanced analytical equipment will enable them to get there faster, and simultaneously support a greater number of programs."

With the FDA’s recent approval of the second biosimilar and the large number of biotech drugs that will lose patent protection in coming years, Raje says he expects demand for these services to escalate.