Pharmaceutical Business review

Clinipace to manage clinical programs on behalf of Karyopharm

Under the long-term strategic partnership, Clinipace will be responsible for managing several clinical programs on behalf of Karyopharm in 2014, including oncology, wound healing, and other diseases.

KPTI is focused on the discovery and development of new first-in-class drugs directed against nuclear transport targets to treat cancer and other major diseases.

Karyopharm founder, president and chief scientific officer Sharon Shacham said it is the company’s mission to foster scientific creativity with pioneering technologies and developmental approaches within an innovative culture.

"By partnering with a like-minded technology-driven company like Clinipace, we believe we can help accelerate our first-in-class small molecule modulators into effective targeted therapeutics for life threatening conditions," Shacham said.

Clinipace Worldwide CEO and co-founder Jeff Williams said as tailored therapies such as those Karyopharm have under development become more prominent, drug developers must find increasingly new ways to help bring their products to market in the most effective and efficient manner.

"Working with a technology-enabled digital CRO (dCRO) provides our clients with a significant level of information sharing that helps increase collaboration, improves data quality, and reduces their overall development costs," Williams said.