Pharmaceutical Business review

ALK signs PRE-PEN supply contract with HealthTrust

HealthTrust will include the PRE-PEN skin test, used for the diagnosis of penicillin allergy, to help reduce the unnecessary use of toxic, broad spectrum antibiotics, which are known to increase drug resistance in patients.

The over-use of broad spectrum antibiotics reduces antibiotic effectiveness and can increase the development of drug-resistant germs according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

By using PRE-PEN, medical staff can identify patients who can safely receive penicillin, opening up a range of options and saving lives in the process.

According to ALK, the reduction of needless broad spectrum antibiotic usage can save significant cost both for hospitals and patients.

ALK president Jose Toscano said, "Penicillin treatments cost the patient, and healthcare provider, significantly less."