Pharmaceutical Business review

Alacris to use SAP HANA platform for ModCell system

This model is used for drug stratification and identification of personalized drug treatments for cancer patients.

The work began through a joint project between Alacris and the SAP(R) Innovation Center in Germany.

SAP will provide Alacris with SAP HANA and accessory software modules and will tailor them in collaboration with Alacris to meet the needs of ModCellTM applications.

Using SAP HANA is expected to accelerate the modelling and prediction of drug action by Alacris’ ModCellTM system by a factor of several thousand.

This allows – in only a few minutes – to identify relevant drugs and simulate their effect on individual patients during cancer treatment, based on highly complex genome and transcriptome data.

This speed-up has the potential to be a major factor in helping Alacris bring its ModCellTM applications into a broader clinical use.

Moreover, by using SAP HANA Alacris expects to improve the performance of complex tasks such as simulations of single and combinatory drug action throughout the drug development and approval processes.

Saving both time and computational resources for the simulations could potentially help pharmaceutical companies reach decisions sooner during drug development and approval, saving significant time and money.

Through this project, Alacris will be expanding the use of SAP HANA into the field of personalized medicine and to the forefront of systems biology modeling using next-generation sequencing data.